samiuljahan's blog

there's always room for improvement

Python Primer

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Recently I’ve started to play with Python. I’ve heard a lot about this language before.  Recently I’ve just completed my  ‘Hello World’ program  🙂

You can get Python from here. I use python’s interactive shell as well as PyDev plugin for Eclipse to write codes

#This is a comment
#version 3.0
print("Hello World!"); #semicolon is not required but I use this
  • Commenting code
#This is a comment
  • Assigning values
x = 5 #5 is assigned to x
print (x) #prints 5
print (type(x)) # outputs <class 'int'>
x, y = 0, 1
x, y = y, x
print(x,y) # prints 1, 0
  • Conditions
#traditional conditions
x , y = 10, 20
    if x < y :
       print ('X is less than Y') # prints 'X is less than Y'

#conditional expressions
x, y = 0, 1
z = "less than" if x < y else "not less than"
print (z) #prints 'less than'
  • Writing a function
#defining a function
def myFunc():
    print('This is a function in python')
#invoking the function
myFunc() # prints 'This is a function in python'
  • Writing a class
class Language:
    def __init__(self, name = 'Python'):      #constructor = name
    def showName(self):
scripting = Language()                       #an instance of the Language class
print(scripting.showName())                  #as you've guessed :), it prints 'Python'

procedural = Language('C')                     #another instance of the Language class
print(procedural.showName())                #now it prints 'C' 🙂
  • Getting Input from the User
hawkingsFound = input('Enter what hawkings found lately? :)') #prompts the user 'Enter what hawkings found lately? :)' , user enters 'girls are mysterious'
print(hawkingsFound) # it prints 'girls are mysterious' 🙂

Written by সামিউল(samiul)

January 7, 2012 at 4:42 pm

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